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winter holiday happenings

santa with City Manager Ambrosino.jpg

Project Description

Celebrate another year by gathering with neighbors in a spirit of love and kindness.  

Thursday, December 1, 2022
5:30 to 7 pm in Chelsea square

holiday tree lighting

Count down to the lighting of the ceremonial tree in Chelsea Square.  Enjoy the holiday decorations and a gathering of friends.  

Photo by AJ Soto/Broadway Studios.

saturday, December 10, 2022
1 Pm to 2 pm Santa on a fire truck city-wide
2 pm to 3:30 pm Santa visits Party in Prattville

santa visits chelsea 

Santa and Mrs Claus take a tour all across the City of Chelsea. The most famous couple in the world will ride a fire truck through our neighborhoods starting at 1 pm. 


Map 1 - Downtown and the Waterfront

Map 2 - Bellingham Hill

Map 3 - Cary Sq to Prattville

Or follow the trip via the City of Chelsea's Facebook Live.  


Starting at 2 pm all are welcome at Washington Park in Prattville where music, food and reindeer games will keep us entertained.  Santa's one Chelsea stop will be here. 

This program is presented by the City of Chelsea with the Chelsea Chamber of Commerce.

Photo by Matt Frank.

Note: this event is taking place on our selected raindate of December 10. 

SUNDAY, December 18, 2022
6 pm to 8 pm in Chelsea Square

Menorah Lighting & public Art  

The annual Hanukkah-themed celebration in Chelsea Square is expanding this year.


On Second Street there will be an illuminated mobile art display called "Brighter Ignited." Artist Tova Speter, commissioned by JArts Boston, led workshops across great Boston inviting people to reflect on how they show up for the causes they believe in.  The individual elements created in these workshops are brought together in a massive, interactive "Lite Brite" type display that is touring across eastern Massachusetts.  At Temple Emmanuel Chelsea hosted one of those workshops and happily welcomes the finished artwork at our menorah lighting event.

All are welcome to gather with members of Tobin Bridge Chabad, Temple Emmanuel and Walnut St Synagogue for the lighting of the public menorah with song, prayer and refreshments. 




© 2023 by Chelsea Prospers for the City of Chelsea

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