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Artist Profile: Sasha Kuznetsova

In 2022 the City of Chelsea commissioned a series of artists for murals across the city.

For the section of Everett Avenue at the Route One underpass, Sasha Kuznetsova was tapped for a creative approach to beautify the jersey barriers and chainlink fence. She painted in blues and greens to create an ocean bottom along the jersey barriers. For the top, she crafted fish and seaweed in quilted fabric. To delight pedestrians, she also attached a variety of treasures like shells, seaglass and water-worn pebbles inside the voids in the fence.

After a career as a biologist, two years ago Sasha Kuznetsova become freelance artist and illustrator full-time. Her work gravitates towards nature. “I love organic shapes and all the colors,” Sasha said.


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